Saturday, December 19, 2020


There are “no holds barred.” Krav Maga self-defense teaches students to target vulnerable areas on an opponent or attacker. That means using techniques like groin strikes, eye gouges, and strikes to the back of the head, which are considered illegal in a sanctioned sport fight. The ripple effect of the UFC basically creating Mixed Martial Arts as a sport was a huge opportunity for gyms to offer this MMA-type training to the public.

get home safely self defense

Burton was just the nicest and most genuine person we had ever meet. Establish at least 3 escape routes out of your home and make sure everyone knows and remains familiar with them. Having multiple routes increases your chances for escape. Reviewing routes often will help everyone remember when it counts. Your home defense plan should be well thought out and rehearsed often enough it’s second nature. Threats to the home take place more often than you may think.

About Get Home Safe

Sharing my knowledge and love for martial arts is one of the most enjoyable parts of traveling. Install a camera at the front door and motion-sensor lights near all doors and windows. Multiple cameras at different locations outside are preferable, but could be cost prohibitive. Lights remain one of the best home crime prevention strategies even today. Make sure all exterior doors are fitted with deadbolt locks. A quality deadbolt will keep intruders from entering through a locked door.

get home safely self defense

This simple tool is an ingenious way to protect yourself from attackers and home intruders. Even if you live in a safe neighborhood, there’s no telling when you will need to defend yourself and your home against attackers and intruders. Flare is a piece of super wearable jewelry that doubles as an emergency alarm of sorts. “Disguised” as a stylish bracelet or cuff, a hidden button on the back connects to your phone, to let you discreetly alert authorities if you are in danger.

Get Self-Defense Training

This program is designed for those who are looking for more than a short self defense course but don't have the time for a full commitment of joining a martial arts school. It’s scheduled much like private instruction, meaning its flexible to your schedule. We cover basic kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu as a means to escape. At the end of the course, it is my goal that you have a basic understanding of how to deal with a bad situation and more importantly, how to avoid them in the first place. We train in all ranges , weapons and multiple opponents. In order to be truly effective we have to be efficient in all of these ranges and scenarios.

get home safely self defense

Krav Maga training is a principal based system that anyone can learn. The past several years have brought new levels of interest to combat sports like boxing, jiu-jitsu, submission grappling, wrestling, and judo. At the forefront of this wave of popularity is, of course, the incredible rise of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. The UFC was created by a group of people (mostly jiu-jitsu practitioners) who basically wanted to experiment with martial arts and fighting styles to determine which one was the “best”.

Kids and Teen Classes

Unfortunately, it’s unrealistic to think that you are going to learn to fight like John Wick, or one of the Avengers, or like the characters on “Cobra Kai”. For most people it’s equally as unrealistic to think that you are going to be the next big star in the UFC. Pepper spray and mace can help injure an attacker and buy you time to get away.

For example, if the attacker wants your purse or money, always give it to him. Don't fumble in your wallet for the money either, just hand it all over. However, if the attacker wants to take you to another location or have your drive him to an ATM, always say no.

When shopping for the best personal safety devices online, it’s important to look for something that’s portable enough to carry, easy to use and safe to store. Here are three of the best-selling personal safety devices online, along with a site offering highly-rated personal safety classes that you can take from home. What is realistic is that training at a Krav Maga Worldwide certified training center will give you a well rounded and essential set of skills that make you safer. You’ll learn all three elements involved in MMA, i.e. stand-up fighting, ground fighting, and transition grappling. Imi Lichtenfeld designed the Krav Maga self-defense system with all three elements in mind. What’s been lost somewhat in this unique era of combat sports popularity is the fundamental purpose for training in self-defense and martial arts.

“All of our products have seen a rise in popularity but the TASER StrikeLight has seen the most significant increase in sales,” Angorn adds. Billed as a “self-defense flashlight baton,” the StrikeLight combines the usefulness of a high-intensity, 80-lumen flashlight, with the protection of a street legal stun gun. Small enough to tuck into a bag or fanny pack, the StrikeLight can be used as a flashlight to guide your way home, or it can discharge a five-second stun pattern, to fight off attackers. The StrikeLight can also be set to release a loud warning sound, to help deter would-be threats. Most US states do not ban the use and purchase of flashlights, pocket knives, and pepper sprays. So most of the hidden weapons for self-defense mentioned on our list are legal.

Basic Self Defense Strategies to Protect Yourself at Home

Self-defense and self-protection is nothing new, but the recent spate of gun violencehas led to a surge in sales for personal safety kits and devices. Consider taking self-defense classes and/or gun ownership. When all other self-defense strategies fail, preparing yourself to engage in an altercation could save your life.

It will prove most effective when used on a solid door. You may consider building in a safe room or a panic room. This can be done, ideally, during the construction of your home, but can also be retrofitted at any time.

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